Monday, March 30, 2009

Back after a hiatus

Well its bee several weeks since my last post and I have had lots of catching up to do. We are in a house that had no power for 2 months, product has been damaged and blown all over the corn fields lol. Oh what a mess!!! And then my computer decides to delete all the product pics that I had on disk, I guess just cause it felt like it. So its back to square one because I didnt have them all on my photobucket. Wishing for a speedy recovery from the mess in my house. I am literally taking up space with everything we make and gearing up for on location events!!! lol is all I can do and keep plunging ahead. The computer is another story in itself but I took some advice from a fellow Bonanzler EeeksMae and have started writing everything down that I need to learn. was our first store and we have recently opened a second store where we stock our handcrafted birdhouses that are a must have!!! Its an early morning here so I'm off for a few zzz's and will be back in the morning