Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2 Days and counting...

2 weeks later and we are 2 days and counting.  We are so ready for the beginning of this new chapter in our lives.  The excitement in Brandon is wonderful!!

At last post,  I had found what I thought might be a good venture with a website selling products.  Working outside the home is just not an option with our location.  You couldn't pay me to leave my son here alone!  There has been a rape, a murder, prostitution , and violence.  Women have propositioned Brandon who is 14.  I am getting to old to be in a parking lot going a round with people.  I don't collect welfare and do make money, but definitely not enough to get us out of here.  I sell from home and have been meeting people up the street to deliver their purchases.  Ashamed yes, embarassed yes.  People are so judgmental and I don't want to put anybody at risk coming here.

Limited resources in our current city and with no support system we have made a decision to relocate to another city that is far more advanced than where we are now.  Population - huge!!  Jobs galore and a gem of a friend who has reached out to us.  It is a decision that had to be made as we are a hair from homeless and things are not getting any better here.  I am also more determined than ever to make the non profit I am trying to start a huge success.  There is a lot of help for alcoholics, drug addicts, and the more than willing to take advantage of welfare .  For the simply less fortunate there is almost no help and the humiliation is beyond.

I am going to document our journey through this transition from near homelessness to what I call a much needed comfort zone.  Videos that I call "Our Climb" will be posted on my You Tube in hopes of inspiring others to keep strong and never give up.  Life can get better for those with a desire and the willingness of someone somewhere to reach out.  If it helps just one family to become closer and be more supportive than I have succeeded!!

I am not materialistic by any means but I want us to have the life back we had prior to that horrific time in 2006 when i lost custody of Matthew and Michael.  It was the straw that broke the camels back.  How that came about is another discussion but it wasn't abuse, neglect or otherwise I can assure you of that. I left the state trying to protect my kids.  What was left of my family went down hill from there.  We would take 1 step forward and 5 steps back.  Every time I turned around it was something else and yes I'm stronger for it but my kids have paid a heavy price.

5 years later and here we are sitting in the room waiting for the break we so desperately need.  Yes, a bottom of the barrel motel that I pay $190 a week to live in and am on guard 24/7.  It makes it difficult to sell my crafts and the emotional toll on us is not good.  I couldn't imagine living like this day in and day out!!

My first video will be the room we live in now bagged up, for the most part, and ready to go.  I will let you get a glimpse of a photo of me in much better days and a rare look at what I look like now to a point.  We need a lot of work in many areas and I want you to know what you see is not a worst case scenario and has many contributing factors that i don't think people really realize.

I'll go for now with the hopes that this attempt to promote awareness of the less fortunate and to inspire other people like us to stay strong and remain hopeful is taken to heart and you or someone you share it with will decide to reach out or gain strength from it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A New Day

This morning I woke up with a renewed energy.  It is extremely hard to keep my head up.  I am an extremely strong person but I have been tested lately on many levels.  Trying to find a solution is extremely hard with no support system.  I have a friend in Louisville who is giving me assistance lately and I am forever grateful to her.  It was a last resort to call her because she has been through so much herself.  I am sssooo proud of her accomplishments she doesn't even know.

After talking with her, I sat down with the laptop, once again.  If I could just get some success with the selling online.  You see my son Brandon is disabled and he struggles with emotional, social, and behavioral issues because of what we have endured.  Some people can handle issues and some take it to heart and it affects them deeply.  He is one of them.  I do not put him on medicine because it is our circumstances that have attributed to his problems.  Medicine covers up the issue and we want to tackle them.  He is home schooled and can not be left alone so my only solution at this time is to work from home.

I make crafts of all kinds but struggle to sell them.  The whole process of listing, promoting, etc is very time consuming.  I am so tired but have learned so much.  My financial situation doesn't allow for a brick and mortar so I turn to the internet.  

Today, I signed up for a program selling a weight loss product and I can add other websites.  It only cost me $2.99 to start the basic free program.  Free is my word right now.  Wish me luck.  I would give anything to be a success at home.

Back to my son.  I am, once again, trying to find him a good counselling service in order for us to meet our long time goal of him returning to public school for highschool years.

Until next time, I must go post